I became a scientific illustrator because I believe that incorporating visuals into science communication can spark deeper engagement with the material. I specialize in two-dimensional art utilizing a variety of traditional and digital mediums. My artistic process begins with an exploration of the concept or subject Iā€™m going to render. I enjoy collaborating with clients to decide on a style, composition, and medium that will convey the intended information while maintaining accuracy and visual interest.

I credit my life-long passion for science with having grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area, spending fieldtrips and family vacations exploring the diverse ecology of Northern California. My curiosity about the natural world was fostered by visits to amazing educational institutions like California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, and the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland. As a result of these childhood experiences, I have a personal interest in science communication that focuses on making scientific concepts more accessible to the public.


Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity (2020) University of California, Davis

Minor in Studio Art (2020) University of California, Davis

Science Illustration Graduate Certificate Program (2022) California State University, Monterey Bay